Rev. Vincent Mak, Cantonese Ministry
416-733-8088 內線/ext. 217
416-733-8088 分机 211
416-733-8088 分机 212
Rev. Wu comes from the underground church of mainland China. He immigrated to Canada in 1999 and was baptized and called to serve. In 2005, he was called to start serving the Mandarin immigrant community full-time in the church. He received a Master of Divinity from Toronto Baptist Seminary (TBS) and a Doctor of Educational Ministry degree from the International Institute of Christian Education (ISCE). He likes what the Bible says, “I know nothing except Jesus and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2). He likes traveling, hiking, photography, cooking, handicrafts, and various sports activities. He and his wife Mary have a daughter and a son.
Rev. Kwan Chan, English Pastor
416-733-8088 ext. 219
Kwan’s desire is to inspire people with God’s Word to live out their God-given purpose: to grow deeper in their love for God and others so that they would make disciples for God’s glory and their joy.
Kwan holds a Master’s of Divinity from Tyndale Seminary. He tries to balance his loves for wine and chocolate with his other hobbies, which include exercising and gardening. He married his wife, Wendy, in 2014.
Curtis Lai, Youth Pastor
416-733-8088 ext. 218
As the youth pastor, Curtis is committed to seeing the next generation become disciples of Jesus Christ through growing their love for God, His Word, and His people. Prior to vocational ministry Curtis worked in the field of architecture with a B.Arch from the University of Waterloo. He now holds an M.Div from Tyndale Seminary. He enjoys books, photography, typewriters, sports, and playing darts with his daughter. He lives with his wife Vivian and their daughter Ellie.
Pastor Catherine Chan, Children Ministry
416-733-8088 內線/ext. 215
白傳道自小透過她那位愛主、並活出信仰的祖母認識耶穌。她畢業於卡加里 (Calgary) 安布羅斯神學院 (Ambrose Seminary),獲得神學碩士學位。
白傳道和她的丈夫陳鴻裕 (Jimmy) 喜歡與朋友相聚。他們育有一位喜愛打籃球的兒子諾恩 (Josiah)。
Catherine oversees the Children Ministry, birth – 6th grade. Her heart is for children to come to know, love, and serve Jesus and to help parents fulfill their God-given role to be their children’s primary spiritual influencers.
Catherine came to know Jesus as a child because of her grandmother who loved Jesus and lived out her faith. She graduated with Master of Divinity from Ambrose Seminary in Calgary.
Catherine enjoys hangout with her family and friends. She married her husband Jimmy; they have one child – Josiah.
Kenneth Li, Office Manager
416-733-8088 分机/ext. 208
Wilman Lai, Administrator
416-733-8088 分机/ext. 210