February 19, 2023

Weekly Announcements

Below are our weekly announcements. Our hope is that announcements are not just for your information, but also for your participation.

New Bible Reading Plans – Deuteronomy or Torah

In February, we will be preaching through Deuteronomy. We encourage you to read these books with your family or Small Group.

There are two reading plans that you can choose from:

  1. Deuteronomy (34 days)
  2. Torah (100 Days)


Missions Prayer Meeting – Wednesday, Feb 22, 8:00PM

Missionary: Indrek and Kitty Jarve

Mission field: St. John’s, Newfoundland

To join the meeting, please click here.

Members Meeting – Sunday, Feb 26, 2:00PM

Members of North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church are invited to join the Members Meeting at 2:00 pm,
Feb 26, 2023.

The meeting will be a hybrid meeting, where members can choose to attend in the gym or online.

Members who attend online will be asked to confirm their membership status before the meeting starts
to establish a quorum.

To confirm your membership status, please click here.

1. Present the composition of the Board and Officers
2. Resolution to accept the membership transfer-in requests
Kam Mui Lau, Wenling Zhang
3. Resolution to accept membership application of the newly baptized adult brothers/sisters
Samuel Liu, Benjamin Ping Kwong Wan, Libby Chan, Lily Wang, Cheng Zhu Jiang
Sandra Fang, Eric Qin, Ray Huang, Rong Cai
4. Financial status as of the end of Dec 2022
5. Summary of Ministry Committee budget 2023 including Mission Budget
6. Update of the capital budget
7. CFC Update

To join the meeting, please click here. You can also dial in at (647) 736-0247, PIN: 100 547 878. 

Plan2Protect Training – Sunday, March 5, 3:00 PM

Plan2Protect Training helps to provide the highest standard of abuse prevention and protection for
organizations serving the vulnerable.

If you have a desire to support our families and invest in the children in our community, please join our
Plan2Protect Training, as it is a requirement for serving in youth and children ministry.

To register, please click here.

Discover Class – Sunday, March 5, 11:15 AM

Our Discover Class is where you learn more about our church’s beliefs and practices. Attending this class is also your first step towards joining a Small Group.

To register for the class, please click here.

Membership & Baptism Class – March 25, 3:00 PM

We believe that every Christian ought to be a member of a local church. If God has called you to be a part of this community, we invite you to attend our Membership Class. In this 2-hour online class, you will gain an in-depth understanding of our beliefs and practices as a community. This class is required for those who wish to be baptized.

To register, please email Pastor Kwan at [email protected].

Online Giving/Tithing

Offering is a privilege and responsibility for members. Our encouragement is for each member to prayerfully seek God’s guidance for how they ought to be giving in this season. All offering goes towards funding ministries locally and globally.

We encourage the congregation to apply for a personal offering number to allow efficient and accurate recording of offering information.

For more details on online giving, including how to add NTCBC as an ‘online bill payee’,  click here.

Children’s Ministry

Click here to access our Children’s Ministry page.