August 27, 2023

Weekly Announcements

Below are our weekly announcements. Our hope is that announcements are not just for your information, but also for your participation.

Annual Affirmation of Membership

Every year, in accordance with our Church’s bylaws, our members are required to affirm their intent to continue their membership with North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church. The deadline to renew your membership is August 31, 2023.

This is not only a legal matter, but a spiritual one, for it is a time for you to renew your commitment to belong in this faith community and to partner with us to make disciples of all nations.

To affirm your membership, please fill out this form click here.

Child Dedication Classes

Child dedication is a commitment that parents make to raise your children according to God’s purposes
and Word. It is a commitment that is made to God in front of the congregation, who will not only hold
the parents accountable to their commitment, but will partner with them to raise their children in the

Our next child dedication class will be held the September. If you are interested, please email Pastor Cat
at [email protected]

Discover Class – August 27, 11:15 AM

When you’re looking to find a church home, we recommend you answer two questions:

  1. Do they preach the Gospel from the Bible?
  2. Can I belong here?

To help you answer these questions, we invite you to join our Discover Class. This is where you will be introduced to what our church believes, and how we live out these beliefs. It is also the first step you would take if you want to belong in a Small Group Community.

To sign up for Discover Class, please click here.

Members Meeting – Sept 24, 2023, 2:00 PM

We would like to invite all members North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church to join our Members Meeting which will be held in the gym and online. Members who attend online must confirm their membership status before the meeting starts to establish a quorum.

To attend the meeting online, please click here. You can also dial in at (647) 736-0247. PIN: 100 547 878

To confirm your membership status, please fill out this form.  

Admission to the online meeting will start at 1:00 pm to support this confirmation process.

Admission link:
1. Resolution to accept the membership transfer-in requests
– To be finalized at least 1 week before the meeting
2. Resolution to accept membership application of the newly baptized adult brothers/sisters
– To be finalized at least 1 week before the meeting
3. Summary of the Pastoral Search Committee Procedure
4. Introduction of the pastoral candidate for the Mandarin Pastor
5. Introduction of the pastoral candidate for the Melville Pastor
6. Renovation Updatehen you’re looking to find a church home, we recommend you answer two questions:
     – Do they preach the Gospel from the Bible?
     – Can I belong here?

Fall Bible Reading Plans

In September, we will begin a new Sermon Series on the Gospel of Luke. We encourage you to follow along this series by participating in one of our Bible Reading Plans.

Online Giving/Tithing

Offering is a privilege and responsibility for members. Our encouragement is for each member to prayerfully seek God’s guidance for how they ought to be giving in this season. All offering goes towards funding ministries locally and globally.

We encourage the congregation to apply for a personal offering number to allow efficient and accurate recording of offering information.

For more details on online giving, including how to add NTCBC as an ‘online bill payee’,  click here.

Children’s Ministry Page

Click here to access our Children’s Ministry page