October 29, 2023

Weekly Announcements

Below are our weekly announcements. Our hope is that announcements are not just for your information, but also for your participation.

Sunday School: The Gospel of Luke – Oct 29, 11:15AM

If you want to hear from God, you should aspire to read the Bible academically and devotionally. In our Sunday Schoolclass, we will be equipping you with tools so that you will be able to read this Gospel well. We hope that you will join us in studying God’s Word together.

Annual General Member’s Meeting – Oct 29, 2:00PM

We would like to invite all members of the incorporated North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church to join the Members Meeting at 2:00 pm, Oct 29, 2023. It will be conducted in a hybrid way. Members can
choose to attend in person at the gym in basement or to attend online. Members chose to attend online will be asked to confirm their membership status before the meeting starts to establish a quorum. Admission to the online meeting will start at 1:00 pm to support this confirmation process.

Admission link: https://forms.gle/ENcR77nPkoDh5k8F9

To establish quorum, please click here.


  1. Sharing from the Senior Pastor
  2. Sharing from the Chairperson of Deacon Committee
  3. Resolution to accept the membership transfer-in request
    • 謝聲良 Samuel Sing Leung Tse
  4. Resolution to accept the new membership application requests
    • 錢潔玲 Polly Lui, 呂品超 Punch Lui,
    • 林凱靈 Lydia Lam, 壽而康 Sidney Yee Hong Sau
    • Maggie Li, 邢航 Hancy Xing, 暴玉 Yu Bao (Andy),
    • Jianan Shi 史建安, Xisheng Huang 黃熙盛
  5. Re-election of Directors for the second term to the Board:
    • Deacon Jimmy Kwan (one year term) https://bit.ly/3yk7ftX
    • Deacon Norman Seto (one year term) https://bit.ly/3OIXue6
  6. Election of Director to the Board:
    • Deacon Loraine Chan (one year term) https://bit.ly/48ufN1x
  7. Review of audited Financial Statements
  8. Resolution to approve the audited Financial Statements
  9. Resolution to approve the appointment of auditor firm, Norton McMullen LLP for the financial
    year ended by Jun 30 2024.
  10. Renovation update

To join our meeting click here.

Discover Class – Nov 5, 11:15 AM

If you would like to know more about what we believe and how we live as a faith community, we invite you to join our Discover Class. Attending this class is also the first step towards joining a Small Group community.

To sign up for our class, please click here.

Membership / Baptism Class

If you believe God is leading you to become a member of our faith community, or if you want to publicly declare your faith through the ordinance of baptism, we encourage you to join our membership / baptism classes.

Please email Deaconess Loraine ([email protected]) for details.

Evangelism Workshop – Dec 3, 11:15 AM

Have you ever thought of the questions: “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “What’s my purpose in life?”

Well you’re in luck! In December, we will be hosting a 3-part interactive workshop addressing where we
will help you think Biblically and engage your friends / family on these topics.

The schedule for the classes are:

  • Dec 3: What does the Bible say?
  • Dec 10: What do we think and believe?
  • Dec 17: How can we engage others?

Online Giving/Tithing

Offering is a privilege and responsibility for members. Our encouragement is for each member to prayerfully seek God’s guidance for how they ought to be giving in this season. All offering goes towards funding ministries locally and globally.

We encourage the congregation to apply for a personal offering number to allow efficient and accurate recording of offering information.

For more details on online giving, including how to add NTCBC as an ‘online bill payee’,  click here.

Children’s Ministry Page

Click here to access our Children’s Ministry page