Sept 8, 2024
Below are our weekly announcements. Our hope is that announcements are not just for your information, but also for your participation.

English Town Hall – September 8, 11:15 PM
To kick-off our new ministry calendar, we invite you to join our Ministry Town Hall. This is where we will be sharing what God has been doing, as well as how He is leading us for the rest of the year. We will also be taking this opportunity to collect ministry feedback that will help us continue to grow God’s Kingdom
A light lunch will be provided. All are welcome. No sign-ups necessary.

Starting Point – September 8, 1:30 PM
Starting Point is a Disciple-Making resource that we use to achieve two objectives:
1. Provide a vision for what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
2. Reveals areas where we can grow as a disciple of Christ.
Andrew Luong will be running Starting Point from Sep 8 – Oct 27.
You can register for Starting Point through this link.

Nursery – Open from 9:30 AM – 12:45 PM
The nursery is now open from 9:30 AM – 12:45 PM, meaning that it will be running through both worship and congregational life.
As a note, we are continuing to look for more helpers so that every family will be able to participate in the entire Sunday morning.
If you would like to serve in the nursery, please contact Pastor Cat at [email protected]

Fire Drill – September 15, 11:00 AM
A fire drill will be held at 11 a.m. on September 15. We ask that you please follow the instructions posted on the slides to leave the church building and to follow the fire drill route to the assembly point.
After the drill, you will be able to return to the church building in an orderly manner.

Mission Prayer Meeting – September 25, 8:00 PM
Lewis and Felain will be sharing about their ministry in Europe.
Please join us as we support their ministry through a time of sharing and prayer.

Guatemala STM Info Session – September 29, 12:45 PM
We are hosting an info session for our Guatemala STM for August 16-26, 2025. We encourage you to come out and join us as we share details about the ministry and the part we get to play in helping Impact Ministries further God’s Kingdom in Guatemala.
The information session will be held in the basement level from 12:45 – 1:30 PM.

Introduction Ceremony: Rev David Wu – September 29, 1:30 PM
We are formally welcoming Rev David Wu by hosting an induction ceremony in September 29 at 1:30 PM in the sanctuary.

Discover Class – October 6, 11:15 PM
Our Discover Class is where we share who we are and what we believe as a faith community. It is also the first step that you will take to joining a Small Group community at NTCBC.
You can register for our Discover Class through this link

Online Giving/Tithing
Offering is a privilege and responsibility for members. Our encouragement is for each member to prayerfully seek God’s guidance for how they ought to be giving in this season. All offering goes towards funding ministries locally and globally.
We encourage the congregation to apply for a personal offering number to allow efficient and accurate recording of offering information. We encourage the congregation to offer online through e-transfer or online banking. If you choose to give offering via cheque, we ask that you write the church’s full name “North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church”. The banks no longer accept the short form NTCBC as a valid payee.
For more details on online giving, including how to add NTCBC as an ‘online bill payee’, click here.

Children’s Ministry Page
Click here to access our Children’s Ministry page
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