

No Matter What, God is Good

August 11, 2019
Life is filled with uncertainty and hardships. However, the Bible teaches that through all of this, God is not only present in our lives, but He is doing a good…
The Gospel is that Jesus has won for us eternal life with God in heaven and a renewed life on earth. The life that Jesus gifts to us is one…
The Gospel utterly compels us to trust God and submit our lives to His will. But not only does it compel us towards holiness and worship, the Gospel also motivates…

Live Out Love

July 21, 2019

The Gospel is the good news that God lovingly pursues fallen humankind and offers to restore us into a love-relationship with Him. Not only do we gain a relationship with…
Our joy in Christ compels us to grow our love-relationship with God, for once we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good, we will desire more of Him.…

Note from AV: Due to a technical issue, the first 20:45 of the video does not have sound. Please accept our apologies for the error.

Grow Deeper, Go Farther

June 30, 2019
God calls the church to be His witnesses, meaning that we are to tell others of what we have seen and heard. The Good News of the Bible is that…
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