July 28, 2019

Compelled to See Sinners Saved

Passage: Romans 10:1-21

Bible Text: Romans 10:1-21 | Preacher: Curtis Lai | Series: The Gospel Compels Us | The Gospel utterly compels us to trust God and submit our lives to His will. But not only does it compel us towards holiness and worship, the Gospel also motivates us to bring this good news to those who have yet to know God.

In our passage, we get a fresh reminder of the Gospel message, our calling to participate in the preaching of this message, and God’s desire for all people to know this message. We are compelled by the Gospel to not only deepen our own relationship with God, but to yearn for the salvation of others. As saved sinners, our longing should be to see other sinners saved. And to participate in God’s Church as His feet to bring the good news to those who don’t yet know Him.