November 1st 2020

Weekly Announcements

Below are our weekly announcements. Our hope is that announcements are not just for your information, but also for your participation.

Post-Sermon Sharing and Prayer

As a faith community, we have a responsibility to care for one another. While social distancing may hinder our ability to meet physically, God has equipped us with the technology to meet online so that we can continue to fellowship together.
Please join us after our live-stream at 10:45am for a time of congregation-wide prayer & sharing.
Please click here for more information and for the link to our Zoom Meeting

Online Giving/Tithing

As of Oct 24, 2020, we are now also accepting offering cheques via mail.
For more details on online giving or mailing cheques, click here.

Children Ministry

Grade 1-6 Online Sunday School 
Every Sunday 11:30 PM – 12:00 PM
Contact Pastor Cat ([email protected]) for Zoom link.

Kidz Hangout 
Every Wednesday at 8:00 PM
Online Registration:

Join Discover Class – Nov 1st, 11:30AM

On Sunday November 1st, we will be running our Discover Class, which is a 1-hour session for newcomers where we introduce them to our church’s vision, leaders, and core ministries. It’s also our first step towards becoming a member of a Small Group, as this is where we teach about our Small Group ministry and introduce our SG Covenant.

To sign up for discover class, please sign up through this link.

Membership Classes – November

Our membership/baptism classes are classes that you need to participate in to become a member/ get baptized.

In these 4 classes, we take an in-depth look at:

  • Why we exist as a local church
  • What we believe
  • How we live out our beliefs as a local church

After going through this class, you will have a 1-1 meeting with a deacon or pastor of the church to affirm that we share the same beliefs and that you are willing to join in being a follower of Jesus that makes followers of Jesus.

Once completed you will be affirmed for baptism and to be voted in as a member of our church community!

To sign up for membership/baptism class, please sign up through this link.

Our tentative meeting times/dates are Sundays from 2:00-3:15 PM. However, if some attendees are unable to make this time, we will look for alternative time-slots.

2021 Executive Board Voting

Every year, we vote to affirm & approve the candidates for our Executive Board, which leads the administration and ministries of the church and respective congregations. While this is normally done by paper ballot, for the 2021 Executive Board election, we have arranged for online ballots.


  • Only members of NTCBC are allowed to vote. Members are those who have been baptized @ NTCBC or have completed a formal membership transfer
  • Ballots will be cross-checked against our membership list and any duplicate entries will be removed.
  • Check the box for each nominee you approve/affirm. Leave the box empty if you do not approve/affirm the nominee.
  • The ballots are open as of October 25, 2020 and will close on November 22, 2020 @ 12pm.

To submit your ballot for the 2021 Executive Board: click here.