November 15th 2020

Weekly Announcements

Below are our weekly announcements. Our hope is that announcements are not just for your information, but also for your participation.

Post-Sermon Sharing and Prayer

As a faith community, we have a responsibility to care for one another. While social distancing may hinder our ability to meet physically, God has equipped us with the technology to meet online so that we can continue to fellowship together.
Please join us after our live-stream at 10:45am for a time of congregation-wide prayer & sharing.
Please click here for more information and for the link to our Zoom Meeting

Online Giving/Tithing

For more details on online giving or mailing cheques, click here.

December Family Worship Services

For our December worship services, we want to emphasize that though we are apart, we are celebrating Christmas and remembering Christ as one faith family. And so, we are asking our members to participate in our service. And we aren’t just asking families with children, but all members to participate). How can you participate?

By video recording yourselves doing one of the following:

  • singing a carol (or 2)
  • reading a Scripture
  • answering a question regarding Christmas

Our hope is to compile all of your video files together so that when we gather for worship on those Sundays, we will be able to see our whole church community worshiping together.

Our goal is to get at least 10 families to sing each carol. Please feel free to sign up for more than 1 carol/role. You can encourage members to sign up here. 

English Ministry Town Hall – January 10

We will be hosting our ministry town hall via Zoom on January 10 from 10:45-11:45 AM.

During this time, we will be giving updates on:

  1. Regathering as a faith community
  2. Small Group Ministry Update

We will also take time for our Ministry Fair, which is an opportunity for us to learn more about the different ministries in our church.

Children Ministry

Click here to access our Children’s Ministry page.

2021 Executive Board Voting

Every year, we vote to affirm & approve the candidates for our Executive Board, which leads the administration and ministries of the church and respective congregations. While this is normally done by paper ballot, for the 2021 Executive Board election, we have arranged for online ballots.


  • Only members of NTCBC are allowed to vote. Members are those who have been baptized @ NTCBC or have completed a formal membership transfer
  • Ballots will be cross-checked against our membership list and any duplicate entries will be removed.
  • Check the box for each nominee you approve/affirm. Leave the box empty if you do not approve/affirm the nominee.
  • The ballots are open as of October 25, 2020 and will close on November 22, 2020 @ 12pm.

To submit your ballot for the 2021 Executive Board: click here.

Church Incorporation Announcement

  1. Since our last distribution of the incorporation documents back in March, the pandemic has put the church incorporation timeline on hold.  We have also learnt in the past few months that meetings and voting of members in person are not always feasible. Therefore, we are distributing a slightly revised version of the By-Law to allow meetings of members and voting to be conducted in electronic format.  The changes are in Section IV only together with a handful of terminologies cleaned up throughout the By-Law.
  2. The revised By-Law will be distributed to members in the week of Nov 09. Members with email addresses registered with the church will receive email notification to access the final incorporation documents on-line. Anyone not getting the notification can contact [email protected]. Members can also call and arrange with the Church Office to pick up a hard copy if needed.
  3. We would like to get membership approval of the incorporation documents before the legal process. The 1st reading for passing the documents will be conducted during the membership meeting on Dec 27. We highly encourage members to join the meeting for this critical step. The 2nd and 3rd readings will be carried out in early 2021 with the target to get the church incorporated by Jul 01, 2021.

40th Anniversary Online Worship Service

Send email to [email protected] to register. Provide name of attendee(s) and the year you FIRST attended NTCBC. You will receive a link to access the online event.
If you can share memorable pictures, short thanksgiving message in video or voice recording (in 30s or less), you can email to [email protected] and we could incorporate them as part of the thanksgiving celebration.

There will be hymns presentation from Cantonese, English and Mandarin congregations. A special thanksgiving message will be delivered by our Senior Pastor Rev. Bernard Sin. There will also be exciting fellowship gatherings of all ages, sharing, slideshows, with a virtual evening tea & coffee to meet and greet each other near or far! Hope you are excited about it!

Prefilled Communion Cups

The church will provide every member with 4 prefilled communion cups which can be collected at the church office. Please contact Wilman (Tel. :426-7338088 X 210; Email: [email protected]) the number you need one day before collection.

Office Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm