September 24, 2023
Below are our weekly announcements. Our hope is that announcements are not just for your information, but also for your participation.

Rev. Bernard’s Retirement Announcement
The Deacon Committee has accepted Rev. Bernard Sin’s request for his retirement effective January 1,
2024. God called Rev. Bernard to serve as our Senior Pastor since 2018. God has greatly used him to help
our church to stabilize and also lead us through Covid-19 with new growth in congregations and the
pastoral team. We are going to miss him greatly. He will share his journey with us in the Membership
Meeting on September 24. Please make an effort to join the upcoming Membership Meeting.

Sunday School: The Gospel of Luke – Sept 24, 11:15AM
If you want to hear from God, you should aspire to read the Bible academically and devotionally. In our Sunday School class, we will be equipping you with tools so that you will be able to read this Gospel well. We hope that you will join us in studying God’s Word together.

Members Meeting – Sept 24, 2:00 PM
We would like to invite all members of North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church to join our Members Meeting which will be held in the gym and online. Members who attend online must confirm their membership status before the meeting starts to establish a quorum.
To attend the meeting online, please click here. You can also dial in at (647) 736-0247. PIN: 100 547 878
To confirm your membership status, please fill out this form.
Admission to the online meeting will start at 1:00 pm to support this confirmation process.
- Rev Bernard’s sharing about his decision to retire effective January 1, 2024
- Resolution to accept the membership transfer-in requests
- To be finalized at least 1 week before the meeting
- Resolution to accept membership application of the newly baptized adult brothers/sisters
- To be finalized at least 1 week before the meeting
- Summary of the Pastoral Search Committee Procedure
- Introduction of the pastoral candidate for the Mandarin Pastor
- Introduction of the pastoral candidate for the Melville Pastor
- Renovation Update

Mission Prayer Meeting – Sept 27, 8:00PM
Please join us to hear from Cindy Chan, a missionary in Japan and our Missionary of the Month. She will be sharing about how the Church is growing in Japan and how we can support the ministry through prayer. We will be meeting in the Mezzanine Sanctuary at 8:00 PM.

Congregational Meal – Oct 1, 11:15AM
Our desire is that this faith community will be like a second family for you. To increase the feeling of family, we are hosting a congregational meal on Sunday, October 1st immediately after service. The goal in breaking bread together is that we can break the ice with newcomers and old-timers alike.
All are welcome. We hope to see you there.

Online Giving/Tithing
Offering is a privilege and responsibility for members. Our encouragement is for each member to prayerfully seek God’s guidance for how they ought to be giving in this season. All offering goes towards funding ministries locally and globally.
We encourage the congregation to apply for a personal offering number to allow efficient and accurate recording of offering information.
For more details on online giving, including how to add NTCBC as an ‘online bill payee’, click here.

Children’s Ministry Page
Click here to access our Children’s Ministry page
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