

God called Jeremiah to announce judgment upon the nation of Judah. The people did not repent and instead, abused Jeremiah, causing him to be in great sorrow. In our passage,…
God created Israel for intimacy with Him and to work alongside Him for His glory and praise. However, since they refused to listen to God, He spoiled them, allowing them…
Our passage retells an occasion when Jeremiah proclaimed a message of judgment at the temple gates that fell upon deaf ears. This response was indicative of Judah’s overall unfaithfulness to…
In Jeremiah 3, God’s pleads for His people to return to Him and flee from their lifestyle of idolatry. Israel and Judah are depicted as faithless and treacherous children who…
Our passage contains a gut-wrenching image of God standing broken-hearted as His beloved bride, Israel, abandons Him for other loves. Sin is depicted as adultery in order to teach us…

Called by God

September 2, 2018
The Bible is clear that we are fearfully and wonderfully crafted for God’s marvelous purpose of building His Kingdom for His glory and the salvation of humankind. He calls for…

On a Mission

August 26, 2018
Jesus is on a mission to save humankind. He always has and He always will be. Jesus crossed the lake to Gadarenes to save a man from demonic possession and from social…
God desires that all people be saved into a relationship with Him and be engaged in work alongside Him; Christianity is not just for adults, but for youth and children…
God has gifted us with the Church so that we may experience deep community with Him and with one another. Many of us are also blessed with family and friends who love us. These…
The Bible warns us that the pursuit of power and honour distracts us from God’s purposes for us. It also leads us to harm ourselves and those around us for a prize that is…