

The author of Ecclesiastes says that none of us really have ultimate control over the outcome of our lives. We all face death at an unforeseen time, and our lives are soon forgotten. Furthermore,…
The pursuit of happiness is highly valued by our society. However, the author of Ecclesiastes says that while happiness is a good gift from God, it is a bad compass and guide that…
Ecclesiastes is a book of reflections from an old man looking back on his youth with regret. His regret was that he had squandered much of his youth, living a life ‘under the sun’…
We are instructed to nurture fellow believers by preaching the Word of God. Every member has a responsibility to preach the Word. While the pastor preaches from the pulpit, all have a responsibility…
God’s gift of eternal life is a personal gift to every person who believes in Jesus Christ. Since Christians have received a personal salvation, it stands to reason that each Christian is also personally responsible…
In this passage, God paints a picture of a thriving faith community as a group of people that worships Him alone, grows spiritually, builds meaningful relationships with one another, and multiplies in number. He…

The Power of One

June 17, 2018
Jesus prayed for all believers even before the first Church was formed, as recorded in John 17. The passage revealed that on His way to suffer and die, Jesus selflessly had us on…
Prayer is the spiritual discipline by which we communicate with God and grow in intimacy with Him.  Jesus teaches that we are to be God-centered.  As a church, our aim…
The Bible is the Living Word of God; it contains truth accounts of the Living God and is the way by which God speaks to His people today. Christians are…

Give to Your King

May 27, 2018
Christians are called to commit their time, talent, and money to their local church in order to facilitate the teaching of the Gospel in and through that community. In this sermon, seven Biblical…