May 3, 2020

An Audience of One

Passage: Matthew 6:16-24

Jesus taught that we are to live for an audience of one. We are to give God glory in all that we do, and not seek to gain glory from others. Jesus warns that many will be unable to obey this command because many people treasure the approval and the applause of others more than we do God, This is concerning because if we try to live for God while we love the world, we will grow to hate God.

The Good News of the Bible is that we are saved by God’s grace, not by our ability to love Him or live for Him. Though we fall short, we can find forgiveness if we confess and repent. Not only that, God promises to heal our unhealthy hearts so that we can love Him and live for Him alone. When our hearts are healed, we will be satisfied by the applause and approval from our audience of one.