April 14, 2019

One Body, One Mission

Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31

As believers we have all been given spiritual gifts. Gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit that we have been called to use for His purposes and not our own. In our passage, we see Paul rebuking the Corinthians for improperly using their spiritual gifts in a way that was displeasing to God and harmful to the church. Their misuse of spiritual gifts was caused by selfish attitudes and resulted in a divided church. Paul instructed them instead to exercise their spiritual gifts properly - using the powerful analogy of the church as a physical body to make his point.

Today, believers are still called to use their spiritual gifts faithfully. Paul’s illustration of the church as the body of Christ is as relevant to us today as it was to the church in Corinth. As we look to Christ as the head of the body we are reminded that we have been given a great privilege - to exercise the spiritual gifts we have received to glorify God and grow the Church.