January 9, 2022

Weekly Announcements

Below are our weekly announcements. Our hope is that announcements are not just for your information, but also for your participation.

In-person Worship

Due to government restrictions, space will be limited and everyone will be required to pre-register EVERY WEEK. The link for pre-registration will be posted online each week by Monday midnight for the next Sunday.

Click here to register for in-person worship service.

Registration will be first-come-first-served. If you require help to register, contact the church office ([email protected] or 416-733-8088).

We ask that you self-screen prior to coming in person. View this presentation that outlines the physical preparation of the church building and safety protocols.

Please arrive by 9:30 AM so that you will have time to complete the screening and service can start on time at 9:45 AM.  If you are unable to attend in-person worship for the day you have registered, please contact the church office as soon as possible to cancel your registration.

Please click here for our regathering FAQ where we address questions about children and youth ministry, prayer meeting, and safety protocols.

Given the high and rising number of COVID-19 cases in Ontario, please note the following:

1) We will continue in-person worship as long as the government allows. You can join in-person or online worship according to your own considerations.

2) In-person Children Sunday Service is paused and we will monitor government updates regarding community cases and instructions for schools.  Children are still welcome to join us for worship.

3) All non-worship-related gatherings in the church building are suspended until further notice.

4) We ask that you do not gather socially before or after in-person worship either in the building or in the church parking lot.

We ask that you remain vigilant in following the safety guidelines set by our local government to protect yourself and others.  Please continue to pray not only for protection and for healing for those who have been impacted, but also for God’s Will to be done and His Word to continue to be shared.

Online Sharing and Prayer – Sunday at 11:00AM

During this season, many are unable to gather for in-person worship. As a result, they feel lonely and disconnected from the rest of the faith community. 

We encourage you to join us for a time of sharing and prayer after our live-stream so you can connect with and support others who are worshipping online.

Please click here for more information and for the link to our Zoom Meeting

Next Members’ Meeting – Jan 23

We would like to invite all members of the incorporated North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church to join the Members’ Meeting at 1:30 pm, Jan 23, 2022.  Members will be asked to confirm their membership status before the meeting starts to establish a quorum.  Admission to the online meeting will start at 1 pm to support this confirmation process.  Details of the admission process will be provided at least one week before the meeting.

The agenda is as follows:

  1. Resolution to affirm the ordination of Pastor Kwan Chan as Reverend.
  2. Resolution to affirm the ordination of Tai Wai Moyung as Deaconess.
  3. Resolution to affirm the ordination of Vincent Lam as Deacon.
  4. Review of financial statements

Please click here to join the meeting. You can also dial in: (647)734-6528, PIN: 106 905 271.

2022 Vision Casting Video

We’re very excited about what God has in store for us in 2022. We’ve put together a video to share with you what we hope God will do in and through us this next year.

Please click here to watch the video.

Acts Reading Plan

In January, we will be studying Acts of the Apostle. We invite you to participate in our study by reading along with us starting on January 1. Click here to access the reading plan.

Prepackaged Sets for the Lord’s Supper

We practice the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper every 2nd Sunday of the month. You can pick up the juice / wafers from the church office during office hours. A total of four sets each will be provided for use in the upcoming four months.

Please contact our Administrator, Mr. Wilman Lai, via email [email protected], or call 416-733-8088 extension 210, preferably at least one day prior to your intended pickup date.

Online Giving/Tithing

Offering is a privilege and responsibility for members. Our encouragement is for each member to prayerfully seek God’s guidance for how they ought to be giving in this season. All offering goes towards funding ministries locally and globally.

For more details on online giving, including how to add NTCBC as an ‘online bill payee’,  click here.

Children’s Ministry

Click here to access our Children’s Ministry page.