

Have you ever tried to picture what the perfect church would look like? Whatever picture you have in your head, the chances are, we currently fall short of that ideal.…
Have you ever tried to picture what the perfect church would look like? Whatever picture you have in your head, the chances are, we currently fall short of that ideal.…

Vanity Without the Vine

September 6, 2020
In John 15, Jesus reminds us in the last of his 7 "I AM" statements that He is our true vine, and that we are called to abide in Him…
When God asks you to obey Him, do you say yes to appease Him or to please Him? Are you obeying just to satisfy God, or are you obeying Him…

Wondrous Spiritual Gifts

August 23, 2020

In the last of His 7 “I Am’s” Jesus calls Himself the true vine while declaring that we are the branches. In doing so, He establishes Himself as the one…
When Jesus declares that He is the Light of the World, He is telling us that He is God and that we must follow Him if we want eternal life…
John wrote his Gospel in order to tell us that Jesus is the Logos, the Word of God. This means that He is not only God in the flesh, but…

Listen Well; Live Well

July 19, 2020
The Bible says that God's Word is living and active. This means that every time we read the Bible, we can hear God speak a personal message to us. While…
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