

An Audience of One

May 3, 2020
Jesus taught that we are to live for an audience of one. We are to give God glory in all that we do, and not seek to gain glory from…
God promises that, in heaven, Christians will experience deep relationship with Him as we live with Him in His perfect and precious home that is free from the pollution of…
The Bible teaches that Jesus is a just judge who rewards the faithful and punishes the unrepentant. This may not seem like good news to us, as very few of…
In Revelation 4:1-11, John shares a vision of God being worshiped in heaven while seated on His throne. The vision was meant to highlight God’s sovereignty over all creation. What…
The physician Gabor Maté wrote, "No human being is ever beyond redemption. The possibility of renewal exists so long as life exists. How to support that possibility in others &…
In our passage, the author shows that life with Jesus is better than life apart from Him. Our call is to behold the beauty of our Saviour so that we…
As believers, we have died to ourselves and been given a new life in Christ. And as a result, Jesus alone is the one that we are called to live…
James wrote a letter to Christians that were struggling to remain faithful to their Lord Jesus Christ. Rather than filling his letter with deep theological truths, he reminds them with…
The main message in Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia is that Christians are saved by faith and not by human effort. The only requirement for salvation is that…
False teachers had infiltrated the church in Ephesus and had influenced members to become speculators of the Bible. As a result, they had drifted from their responsibility of being stewards…
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