

Bible Text: Mark 12:29-31 | Preacher: Gerry Tonn | Series: Summer Conference 2019
Bible Text: Mark 12:30-31 | Preacher: Gerry Tonn | Series: Summer Conference 2019
Bible Text: Philippians 2:1-11 | Preacher: Gerry Tonn | Series: Summer Conference 2019 | Note from AV: Due to a technical issue, the first 20:45 of the video does not…

Grow Deeper, Go Farther

June 30, 2019
Bible Text: Acts 1:8; 2:42-47 | Preacher: Kwan Chan | God calls the church to be His witnesses, meaning that we are to tell others of what we have seen…
Bible Text: Revelation 2:1-7 | Preacher: Gerry Tonn | Series: Summer Conference 2019

Dressed for Action

June 23, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 12:35-48 | Preacher: Curtis Lai | In Luke 12, Jesus gives us the command to ‘stay dressed for action’ – an exhortation to be ready for His…

A Smart Dad

June 16, 2019
Bible Text: Proverbs 4:1-13 | Preacher: Rev. Bernard Sin

Give Sacrificially

June 9, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 21:1-4; 1 Corinthians 9:15-27 | Preacher: Kwan Chan | Series: Giving | In the passage we are studying today, we read of Jesus praising a poor widow…
Bible Text: Matthew 25:31-46 | Preacher: Curtis Lai | Series: Giving | Jesus teaches us that in the end times our lives will be judged based on whether we demonstrated…
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 8:1-10; 9:10-11 | Preacher: Kwan Chan | Series: Giving | God calls Christians to be a giving people; we are not called to be a people…
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